Friday, November 5

PowerTeacher Program Enables Teachers to Easily Organize Their Gradebook

When I completed my first field experience I was introduced to a new teacher grade book system called PowerTeacher. The classroom teacher I interacted with was very unorganized and not comfortable with technology before she was introduced to the program. After though, she loved how easy the program is to transport, to grade, and to use. After I saw how easy it was for to use the program, I was interested in learning more about the benefits this program has for teachers.

This program is unlike other teacher grading programs because PowerTeacher is based over the web and limited to one computer. Another interesting feature this program has is its ability to be used on all browsers (mac, windows, etc.). This program not only lets you enter the grades the students have earned but, it also lets a teacher see areas of strengths and weakness for each student, multiple students, or the class a whole. When a teacher is able to see the grades their students earn, they are then able to judge their overall effectiveness in all areas of graded material. Finally, as I was researching more about this amazing technology I was blown away by the positive opinions of this technology. One report was of a 70 year old woman who was initially stubborn and not open to new or any technology in her classroom but, eventually she was grateful for this easy to use technology.

Not only does this PowerTeacher program benefit the teachers because of its convenient and easy uses it also impacts the students. When a teacher is able to visually see the outcome of their teachings, a teacher may continue or change their teaching style. With the introduction of the PowerTeacher online grade book, teachers will not longer fill students grades into a small column in the grade book and instead just click their way to better classrooms.

PowerTeacher snapshot and picture used with permission from the Flickr-Creative Commons Website; picture by JesseEducation.

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