Sunday, November 7

Interactive "Clickers" Create a New Way of Communicating

As a student, I personally hate being called upon to give answers because I continuously second guess myself and are not 100% confident in my response. Classrooms today are reducing the awkward moments and tensions between teachers and students when it comes to answering questions. I personally have interacted with these "clickers" in over five of my classes and I really do appreciate this great use of technology in the classroom.

The clickers are just what you think of when you hear the word. A small, remote like, wireless device that is clicked to signify a students answer. These devices are commonly used in classrooms to ease any fears that go along with answering a question in front of a classroom. I believe these clickers are a great tool for teachers because it gives them an accurate response of students beliefs or comprehension of the presented material. Teachers can use these to interpret students real feelings and shape their lessons around material that may need more attention than others. These clickers may not create a immediate connection between a teacher and a student but, these do enable teachers and students to participate actively with out always raising their hand and speaking.

Images above used from Flickr-Creative Commons with permission by cpswtexas.

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